Ashenbrenner Can Go F**** Himself
A review of Leo Ashenbrenners well-researched essay on scaling laws, his time at OpenAI, and thoughts on the inevitibility of AGI by 2030
Most of my writing, collected in chronological order.
A review of Leo Ashenbrenners well-researched essay on scaling laws, his time at OpenAI, and thoughts on the inevitibility of AGI by 2030
An Ubuntu 20.04 Nvidia GPU CUDA Guide
I don't get crypto, but I kind of get crypto
Deep Learning in 2021
Lessons learned used MyPy in production
This post is as much a meditation on using Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) in production as it is a review of my work. I have so many questions about this subject. If you have any answers, I hope you will reach out.